Robin of Haphazard Homemaker has her take on the use and benefits of CBD Oil. She explores the uses and potentials based on the argument that if the US Food and Drug Administration recently approved the first cannabis-based drug, then maybe people should be convinced by this to take a closer look as well.

“the increased availability will eventually make CBD oils a household product”

Over the last 40 years, the need for natural alternatives to the traditional western medical practices have become a common interest. People all over the world are becoming more aware of the kinds of side effects and addictions that can come from the continual use of specific medications, particularly those that have been manufactured for the purpose of reducing pain.  

“CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) is derived from hemp, that does not contain THC, which is NOT psychoactive.”

In recent years, researchers have discovered that Cannabidiol has some useful effects, but the viewpoint of the public and government agencies place some hefty restrictions on what can be done with it, and that is largely due to its source, which is a plant called hemp. CBD and hemp are different in that they lack the psychoactive properties that are found in marijuana and THC.

Robin, continues on and gives her take on CBD oil and

  • Pain reduction
  • Inflammation
  • MS Symptoms
  • Schizofrenia
  • Epilepsi
  • Appetite regulation
  • Nausea
  • Neurodegenerative disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Relaxation
  • Diabetes

Read the original full length article by By Robin at Haphazard Homemaker via The Benefits and Use of CBD Oil — Haphazard Homemaker. More information could be found about CBD on SUMACBD.COM.

Like mentioned before, inflammation is also a biochemical process in your body. Being such, there can also be inflammation happening inside of your body without you sensing them directly as reduced function or pain. For these types of signs of chronic inflammation, you would need the assistance of medical professionals and medical tests to be able to tell.

As much as there can be signs of chronic inflammation, so can these be signs of other and more severe things. Therefore, as much as some of us want to self-diagnose, it is better to leave the diagnosis to the medical professionals for the following signs.

  • Insuline resistance
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Blood clotting
  • Brain dysfunction

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Cover photo by Kimberly Nanney retrieved from Unsplash